Gerund and infinitive

Infinitive without -to is used

  1. after modal verbs: we shall go home, we must do something, we will se
  2. after to do: we don't sing
  3. after make, let: let him come, they made me tell the truth… BUT (in the passive) I was made to tell the truth.
  4. jutimininiai veiksmažodžiai (kai veiksmas pasibaigęs) I saw You sing (aš mačiau tave dainuojant).
  5. after I had rather/better.

Gerund is used

  1. as a noun: I like travelling…
  2. after words love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate to express preference: I hate doing sth…
  3. after spend, waste, lose (money, time, etc.) He spent 100000$ building his house…
  4. after expressions can't stand, have trouble, it's worth, etc.: it's worth seeing that film…
  5. after to look forward, in addition to, etc.: I look forward to hearing from you soon…
  6. jutimininiai veiksmažodžiai (kai veiksmas nepasibaigęs arba neapibrėžtos pabaigos) I saw You singing (aš pastebėjau tave dainuojant).
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