Memos, e-mails and notes


When we write a note we usually use a very informal style and write in very short or incomplete sentences. We do not always use definite or indefinite articles. When we write an e-mail we use the form of a letter. We usually use an informal style in personal e-mails and formal style for business e-mails. We usually use memos in companies and offices to pass on information to employees. We use a formal, factual style.



Dear Sally,

Thanks for inviting us to your party last weekend, we both had a great time.

I'm including the photos we took in an attachment. There's a great one of you and Jim in front of the pool.

We're having a party for Frank's birthday next month and we'd love it if you could come. I'll let you know the details later.

Take care,




  • at cinema with Jackie, back by 11pm
  • dinner's in the oven
  • don't forget to feed cat



To: All Employees
From: Arthur Jones, asst mgr
Date: 15 February, 2006
Subject: Use of mobile phones in the office
  • Please be advised that all employees with mobile phones are required to keep them turned off during working hours.
  • If you need to be contacted while at work, you can be reached through the main switchboard on 7267421
  • This number is to be used for emergencies only.

We appreciate your co-operation in this matter.

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