Rinkodara web'e

:!: Iš kažkokios knygos, Creative Commons netaikomas.

Akmens amžiaus žmogaus Zog'o istorija

Zog identified a market (he saw the need for wheels), developed a plan for meeting the needs of that market (he made the wheels), set up a pricing structure (he traded wheels), and developed a method for communicating to that market through availability advertising (the giant wheel). Our friend Zog has addressed the four P's of marketing - Place, Product, Price and Promotion - and has established an effective basic marketing structure.

Trylika priežasčių verslui įsitvirtinti Web'e

  1. To esablish a presence
  2. To network
  3. To provide availability advertising
  4. To augment traditional advertising
  5. Customer service
  6. Publicity
  7. To open international markets
  8. To test market new services and products
  9. To reach a highly desirable demographic market
  10. To reach the specialized market
  11. To provide 24/7 accessibility
  12. To save money
  13. To sell

Assess your goals!

The first step in any marketing project is to assess your goals - you've got to know where you want to end up before you decide on how to get there. It's important to decide what you want to do before discussing how you want to do it. The best thing to do is to begin taking notes**.


  • Do you want to increase awareness about your product or service?
  • Do you want to reach new markets?
  • Do you want to provice a simple way to order your product or service?
  • Do you want to improve relations with existing customers?


  • View yourself as others would view you
  • Išklausyti daug įvairių nuomonių
  • Išklausyti ir užsirašyti pasiūlymus
  • Simplicity is the key

Site planning

  1. Determine what specific topics your site will cover
  2. Determine the needs of your specific audience(s)
  3. Organize your topics into main subject areas
  4. Determine how viewers would most easily navigate through your system
  5. Determine the best way to guide viewers through your site
  6. Develop your multiple platform strategy (so everyone can view your system)
  7. Map out your site diagram

Basic elements of commercial website's document

  • Company name
  • Link to information on contacting company or company e-mail address
  • Page title
  • Author or contact person's e-mail address
  • Content
  • Link to home page
  • Date of creation or latest revision (on time-sensitive materials)
  • Statement of copyright
  • Hypertext link(s) to other related local pages
  • Company logo


  • Puslapio turinys nagli būti labai ilgas, nes užknisa scroll'inti į viršų iki meniu. Puslapio aukštis - du lapai.
  • Jeigu vis dėlto reikia parodyti ilgą dokumentą, viršuje turėtų būti nuorodos į jo dalis, o dalies pabaigoje - nuoroda „viršun“.
  • Galima dokumentą išskirstyti dalimis. Jeigu norima, kad vartotojas galėtų jį atsispausdinti ar išsisaugoti, kuriama nuoroda į versiją spausdinimui (turbūt nebūtina su spausdinimo CSS).

Six basic elements of good web design

  • Simplicity
  • Visual balance
  • Proportion
  • Contrast
  • Flow
  • Harmony
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